Vecna: Eve of Ruin Sessions 3-4: The Idiots Three

Four silly adventurers are abducted by a trio of incompetent hacks and forced to search for a magical stick of magic which will apparently help to defeat Vecna… because reasons.

Vecna: Eve of Ruin Sessions 1-2: Return from Neverdeath Graveyard

The cult of Vecna was kidnapping people and bringing them to Neverdeath Graveyard. We got paid to investigate and ended up getting a link to the big guy himself.

You Should Drop A Nuclear Warhead On Vecna – How to build a character for 5e’s last adventure

5e is coming to an end. In this article, I explain how to absolutely obliterate the last published module.

Polymorph – a spell to go ape over?

A single casting of true polymorph is probably worth half a kingdom, if not more. With the addition of the mighty Zodar to 5e, it is the strongest spell in the entire game. This article is dedicated to its solid but overrated younger brother, polymorph. It’s called the best healing spell in the game andContinue reading “Polymorph – a spell to go ape over?”

A Cut Above Extraordinary – Backgrounds for the Exceptional

When creating a D&D character, your background is one of the selections you make. It defines who you are apart from being an adventurer and provides you with tool/language proficiencies, skill proficiencies and some gear, as well as a feature that only does stuff out of combat(mostly). In this game, some backgrounds stand out asContinue reading “A Cut Above Extraordinary – Backgrounds for the Exceptional”

How Good is D&D 5e’s New Demon Summon?

The new D&D 5e book, Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, adds quite a few new monsters to the game. In addition to diversifying the pool of enemies you can face in the game, this also means you have more things to summon. Today’s article is dedicated to one specific monster – the Echo ofContinue reading “How Good is D&D 5e’s New Demon Summon?”

So I Played Baldur’s Gate 3…

WARNING: SPOILERS I purchased Baldur’s Gate 3 just one day after the release and finished it yesterday. The game is really good and surprisingly cool for something built on 5th Edition rules. The run took me a total of 52 hours 5 minutes(based on the time of my last save, which I made during theContinue reading “So I Played Baldur’s Gate 3…”

Disappointed Wizard Reviews Playtest Spells

The sixth UA in the OneD&D playtest series is out, and it looks like they’ve finally done something significant. In this article, I’ll go over the spells in the document. In addition to trashing on them, I shall attempt to provide fixes to the spells they failed to fix. Hopefully this rant will be aContinue reading “Disappointed Wizard Reviews Playtest Spells”

Voldemort was an Optimizer – Here’s Why

Yesterday was a funny day called New Year’s Eve, which just so happens to be the birthday of an even funnier fictional character. So I figured I might as well write an article about what an absolute chad he was in the context of 5e optimization strategies. I am, of course, talking about Tom MarvoloContinue reading “Voldemort was an Optimizer – Here’s Why”

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