Vecna: Eve of Ruin Sessions 3-4: The Idiots Three

Four silly adventurers are abducted by a trio of incompetent hacks and forced to search for a magical stick of magic which will apparently help to defeat Vecna… because reasons.

Vecna: Eve of Ruin Sessions 1-2: Return from Neverdeath Graveyard

The cult of Vecna was kidnapping people and bringing them to Neverdeath Graveyard. We got paid to investigate and ended up getting a link to the big guy himself.

You Should Drop A Nuclear Warhead On Vecna – How to build a character for 5e’s last adventure

5e is coming to an end. In this article, I explain how to absolutely obliterate the last published module.

Polymorph – a spell to go ape over?

A single casting of true polymorph is probably worth half a kingdom, if not more. With the addition of the mighty Zodar to 5e, it is the strongest spell in the entire game. This article is dedicated to its solid but overrated younger brother, polymorph. It’s called the best healing spell in the game andContinue reading “Polymorph – a spell to go ape over?”

The Plafond Pupil – a 5e Build

Once again, I find myself returning to the Warlock class to make another build. I just really love Warlocks, but you probably knew that already. This build was inspired by the Generous Stoner build on Nystul’s Magic Website, and it got me thinking just how much untapped potential there might be in the Warlock class(andContinue reading The Plafond Pupil – a 5e Build

New UA – Wonders of the Multiverse

You can read this article a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a number of long rests equal to your proficiency bonus, which you regain when you finish a long rest. I stole your proficiency bonus, you can get it back a numberContinue reading “New UA – Wonders of the Multiverse”

Shadow Sniper – Gloom Stalker Ranger Build

Gloom Stalker is the most powerful Ranger subclass, and the one that functions the most akin to a martial of the whole bunch. It gets features geared towards making it a better Fighter than most Fighters, which is simply amazing. In this guide, I will be multiclassing into Battle Master Fighter in order to maximizeContinue reading “Shadow Sniper – Gloom Stalker Ranger Build”

The Really Weird Dragon Rider Priest – Drake Warden Ranger Build

The name sounds funny. WOTC, being WOTC, didn’t give us anything as awesome as a dragon mount, so we need to take it ourselves. This build revolves around the meme of our dragon grappling us and flying around like that. Caution – Dip may not be advisable This build starts with 1 level of DivineContinue reading “The Really Weird Dragon Rider Priest – Drake Warden Ranger Build”

An Almost Good Monk – 5e Fighter/Monk/Ranger/Cleric/Rogue Build

The number of classes in this title has probably stunned you – unlike this Monk build, which won’t stun anybody. There’s a good chance you’re already familiar with the trove of data on Monks and their flaws, so there’s little need to reiterate. This build aims to give the Monk class a functioning life supportContinue reading “An Almost Good Monk – 5e Fighter/Monk/Ranger/Cleric/Rogue Build”

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